Lester Community Center Rental Information

Members and non-members of the Lester Community Center can rent the building. To check the available dates click on the Community Center Calendar page or call Miranda Myrlie at 605-360-5899. 24 hour notice is requested when renting the building.
Rentals: If you rent only the small room you will have access to the large room (gym). The members still have access to the gym. To ensure you have access to the small room and the gym (with no public interference) you must rent the entire building.
The kitchen is available with all rentals, At no time is the fitness center included in the rental (you and your guest must stay out of the fitness center).
If the community center is rented back to back, not allowing the city time to inspect or clean the facility, take pictures of the area of concern before rental for proof of damage/ mess at the start of your rental.
All renters will be provided with a renter’s agreement that outlines the expectations. A cleaning deposit is required. If the expectation is met, the cleaning deposit check will be shredded after 1 week of rental. If the expectations are not met, the cleaning deposit will be used. No rooms are considered rented until two checks are received (one for the cleaning deposit and one for the rental amount.)
Price Member Rental Non-Member Rental
Small Room ( < 6 hours ) $50.00 $100.00
Small Room ( > 6 hours ) $100.00 $150.00
Entire Building ( < 6 hours ) $150.00 $250.00
Entire Building ( > 6 hours ) $250.00 $350.00
* please note exceptions to entire building rental
**pricing effective for new reservations starting July 1, 2024
Wedding Receptions, Family Reunions, Quinceanera Parties, Large Gatherings (100+)
$500 entire building for both members and non-members
If you want access to the building prior to 7:00 pm the night before you will need to rent it for the entire day $500
If you want to set up after 7:00 pm the night before it will be a $75 charge. If rented the day before, you can set up when that rental is done with approval from the city.
If you have not cleaned up and left the building by Noon the following day, you will be charged an extra $50 and forfeit the cleaning deposit.
$200 cleaning deposit required (separate check) must be put down and will be shredded if the building is left clean and undamaged, after one week of rent date. If it is not cleaned according to the rental agreement or if there is any damage the $200 cleaning deposit will be used.
Renter will also be billed for any additional cleaning that needs to be done.

Setting up the building the day before your rental is not permitted. If you want to set up the day before you must rent it for that day as well. If you want to set up the night before (after 7:00 pm) you must contact Miranda Myrlie. They will make a decision based on the member activity or other rental activity taking place that evening. Any concerns may be discussed with a city council member.